Official Furby Wiki
Official Furby Wiki

For some who do not know, Furberwacky is not the real name of the fake Furby that sounds like a Jabberwacky. Furberwacky is just the name given by a Furby lover who owns two of them! I think Furberwacky's REAL name is Furdy!!! I understand Furdy and this Furby fake are different, but there was a Furberwacky for sale with its box which someone bought on! The box shows the word "Furdy" on it, but the Furdy logo looks different this time. I am very sure that this fake is just another version of Furdy; even Furberwacky's box has a picture of a Furdy on it!! I apologize for the poor quality image of the box; it was already blurry on the website.. Here is a link to the website that was selling it!!


 ALSO, while I was creating this blog post, I found out that the name for the plushies which look like hoodie pet, but with longer ears  is "Furdy"!!! I cannot believe this!!! The logo here looks VERY similar to the official Furby logo! I know I saw them on the old Japanese Furby blog, but I didn't realize this was the name for the fakes... If you translate the page, it mentions they are called are Furdys!! Use a translator here for evidence: 

I am already aware of another Furby fake called "Groovey", which looks exactly like these small Furdys but with orange beaks! Take a look here!! Some also look like hoody pet..
