Official Furby Wiki
Official Furby Wiki

The original instructions and dictionary for furby 1998

This page is for the language the Furbies speak; Furbish. If you want to look for the fake toys, click here.

This is the language spoken by all Furbies and Friends of Furby. Furbish takes inspiration from many languages, especially Japanese and German. The original 1998 Furby and its dictionary contained a total of 42 different Furbish words. Over the years of Furby models, many new words have been invented, from moo-lah (money) to oo-kah (uncle).


Furbish is a mix of different sounds and simple syllables to form a basic language. Although Furbish may seem primitive and silly at first, it combines many aspects of real languages from around the world. An example would be the furbish phrase "Doo?". Instead of putting a question mark "?" at the end of a sentence, "Doo?" is used. In addition, "Wah!" is used instead of a exclamation point.

(Example; Furbish: "Doo-dah oo-nye may-may kah doo?" English (literal): Do you love me?")

This is very similar to the Japanese word "Desu Ka?" which is used in place of a question mark. The Furby 2.0 (2012) and Furby Boom both start to learn English the more you use/interact with them.

However, contrary to popular belief a Furby cannot learn to speak an English word just by exposing itself to them. (A Furby won't start to say the word "pineapple" just because you repeat it to them). It's English is pre-programmed into the software and will improve overtime the more you interact with it.

Furbish Words/Dictionary

English Furbish
Above/Up/High Oo
Affirmative Ee
Again/Another Koh-koh
And Koh
Ask Oh-too-mah
Baby Bay-bee
Bad Boo-dah
Be/To be Boh
Beautiful/Pretty Ee-kah
Big Dah
Big no Dah-boo
Big yes Dah-ee-tah
Cat Pu-ra
Change Boo-tay
Cloud Ay-loh-may-tah
Complete Toh
Comparative Tay
Dance Noh-lah
Diamond Ay-koo
Dizzy Ay-way
Do Doo-dah
Dog Bar-bar
Done Toh-dye
Down Nah-bah
Dream Way-loo
Dude Dee-doh
Face Kay-tay
Feed/Food Ah-tah
Finally Oo-Tah-Toh-Toh
Friend/Buddy Noo-lah
Full Oo-loo
Fun Doo-ah
Funny Doo-loo
Game Doo-ay-loo-lah
Genius Dah-way
Go/Bye/Get out Bye-bye
Good Ee-day
Good morning Day-ay-loh-oo-tye
Good night Day-ay-loh-nah-bah
Happy Noo-loo
Have Ah-mah
Health/Healthy Koo-doh
Help Ah-noo
Hey Hey
Hide Woo-bye
High Oo-tah


Home Lay-lah
Hug May-lah
Humor/Play/Joke Loo
Hungry/Eat Ay-tay
Interrogative Doo
Island Koo-wah
Joke Loo-loo
Just kidding/Not Kah-loo-loo
Kiss May-tah

Living things

Light Ay-loh
Lightness Ay
Like Toh-loo
Like/Similar to Tay
Listen Ay-ay-lee-koo
Little/Smallnesss Dee
Live Boh-dah
Log Tee-loh
Look Ay-ay
Love May-may
Love it Dah-may-may
Me/Mine/Myself Kah
Money Moo-lah
Monster Moh-moh
More Koh-koh
Mountain Moh-moh
Music Ee-kah-lee-koo
Negative/No/Stop Boo
No Way Dah-Boo
Noise Bah-boo
Now Nee-way
Oh Oh
Oh my gosh/OMG Oh-kah-tee
Ok Oh-kay
Over Oo-bah
Party Dah-no-lah
Path Bye-way
Pet Ah-may
Play Loo-lay
Please Doo-moh
Rain Wah-wee-tee
Really?/Seriously Loo-loo-doo?
Rock (music) Boo-koo
Rock (nature) Koo
Sad Boo-noo-loo
Scared Dah-boh-bah
Sea Ee-wah
Shake Koo-bah
Sing Wee-tee
Sleep Way-loh
So Doh
Song Wah-tee
Sound Lee-koo
Stand Oo-boh
Story Wee-loo
Sun Dah-ay-loh
Sweet Nee-may
Talk Noo-Noo
Tell Wee-tah
Thank Dah-kah
Thank you Dah-kah-oo-nye
That's right Boh-ee-tay
Thinking/Mind Way
Tickle Nee-tye
Time Toh-toh
Touching/holding Ah
Touch Tay-boo-koo
Tree Tee-tah
Twinkle Tee-wee-lah
Uh-huh Uh-huh
Uh-oh Uh-oh
Uh-uh Uh-uh
Uncle Oo-kah
Very Mee-mee
Wassup? Doo-oo-tye?
Water/Rain Wah
Water Wah-tah
Where are you? Oo-nye-doo?
Whoa Whoa
Wise/Wisely Way-lah
Wonder Way-nah
Worried Boh-bay
Yay Yay
Yea! Wah!
Yes Ee-tay
Yippee Yippee
You Oo-nye
